Friday, October 13, 2017


I feel like I should discuss my specific beliefs here for anyone reading who might not quite understand where I'm coming from. 

First and foremost, I am Pagan.  This is a really broad term that can mean (and usually does mean) something different to every person who claims that term.   My own specific pagan definition includes....a lot.   The "elevator speech" I have about my pagan beliefs is that I am a Multiversalist Eclectic Witch with heavy Reclaiming leanings who is an ecstatic worshiper.   Let's unpack that a little, shall we?  And then add a few more layers.

Multiversalist.  Basically, I really do believe that we are part of one of many different, overlapping, overlaid, universes that exist simultaneously.   These other universes touch ours (or at least some of them do) and these other places are where gods/goddesses/giddens emerge from.   My own beliefs also have led me to not use the words god or goddess so much anymore.  I prefer "Mysterious Ones" because it's gender neutral and really, the baggage that is attached with those other words is a lot.  The general public, when they hear that I am "working with" a god/goddess generally assume that this other being is someone who is above me or greater than me (or them) somehow.   That is the farthest thing from my own experience.   These Mysterious Ones may seem "more" than me in some ways but they are not above me.  Those other beings who show up for me, they are not someone I kneel to or bow to anymore than I would kneel or bow to a mentor or really good friend.   These Mysterious Ones walk beside me and I beside them.  We are in relationship, and for the most part, it is one of equals (see: Mentor.  Which isn't totally an equal relationship) and one of family.

Eclectic.   These Mysterious Ones that have shown up for me come from all cultures around the world.   I struggle with this on the one hand because I in no way want to participate in cultural appropriation.  There is a baggage attached to being a white woman who works with African or Hindu deities that can be very hurtful to people who are from those cultures.  I tend to be very quiet about those because, while I know what I am experiencing, I really don't want to be hurtful to anyone who might not fully understand my experience.  That said, I do have a relationship with Ganesh and with Shiva.  I do have a passing acquaintance with Oya and an on again, off again thing with Anansi.  The other beloved freres I deal with come from various other European cultures.  I also have some animal spirit guides who show up when I am doing journey-work or deep meditation.

Witch.  Oh, this one is a good word, isn't it?  I claim it because I am someone who does work magic.  Now, I don't do "spells" as Disney or Shakespeare would have you think of them.  What I do is focus my will on a specific outcome and then back my will up with specific actions.  I am an energy worker and know I can gather and then send out that energy to a specific purpose. 

Heavily Reclaiming Leanings.  Reclaiming Tradition is one that was founded by, among others, Starhawk.  It is an ecstatic tradition.  It is a tradition that holds the Earth dear and believes that we can not only reclaim our own power as people but that we can reclaim the Earth and steward it in a way that will sustain all life.  I've done a bit of training within the Reclaiming Tradition but I have not done enough that I feel I could call myself a part of that tradition.

Ecstatic.  Yes, this is the big one for me.  I find my connection with others, with the universe as a whole, with the Mysterious Ones via ecstatic means such as movement and/or song.  While I can find connection outside myself when sitting in a pew, to really and fully reach feeling like I've lost myself and felt that deep connection that exists between all beings, I have only done so when I've been doing some kind of ecstatic worship.

That's me as a Pagan.   Next up:  Me as a Unitarian Universalist.

" a spiritual path. You walk it for nourishment of the soul, to commune with the life force of the Universe. and to thereby better know your own life.
-Christopher Penczak

"My first rule of Witchcraft is Don't Burn the Witch"
-Heron Michelle